CVN Contest:
Cvbertown Annual Writing Contest in Cybertown

CVN Writing Contest:

October: There are three categories: Fiction: 1000- 2000 words, Very Short Fiction: less than 1000 words.(no minimum) and Poetry no more than 25 lines. This year the theme is "Spooky." It can be horror based, humorous, serious, and strange. Ok we mean...spooky… we want spooky!

Entry process:
Enter by emailing a doc, text or rtf file, inboxing a URL link to the editor jdb_educator in Cybertown. ALL entries must have "CVN contest Entry" and the Cybertown nickname of the author.

Spooky is defined as:
adjective, Informal. 1. like or befitting a spook or ghost; suggestive of spooks.
2. eerie; scary.
3. (esp. of horses) nervous; skittish.
Enter by emailing a doc, text or rtf file, inboxing a link to the editor jdb_educator in Cybertown.

Reference Citations:(a cool web feature)
spooky. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.0.1). Retrieved October 09, 2006, from website:

"spooky." Unabridged (v 1.0.1). Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. 09 Oct. 2006.

Chicago Style:
spooky. Unabridged (v 1.0.1), Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. (accessed: October 09, 2006).

Prizes may include: CCs (up to 3 million),publication in Cybertown, ebook publications for winners for their duplication and distribution, and just maybe a REAL tangible mailed prize for you to treasure at home. (The jury is still out on spending REAL money for one prize winner!)