Wanna Contact us? CVNDaily AT cybertown.com
OR jdb_educator AT msn.com

Basic News:

New Game Reaching for Third Threshold
You're joined or likely would not be here! Now!
"Building a game from scratch requires time, thought and effort," jdb_educator told gamers. "We have reached our third planned threshold within the game a little earlier than planned. The action picks up steam this week with thorough role play and a third hunt. Poor _Rebel, can YOU save him/her? With the second hunt unsuccessful -so far- for another prized object."

The New Game started September 30, 2093, (2005 for earthsiders) The New Game began with the general release of the Novella, the first module registration pages and a beginner's page orientation. Our secret location is the New Game club until certain things happen... Oh yeah... IF NOT... Please do register at New Game Registration Form! Then we encourage you to check out http://cvnweekly.50megs.com/%7Ecybertown/myth/ The first objective has been reached, found and awarded. Second awarded...but object "not found". The third cometh. The club is rated #1 for New Members.... Cytonian Senate, an Underground... Who is the Shadow Alliance? Who is this individual called The_Rebel? Can Zealot Fusion preserve Cybertown...or will they try to control it? There are lots of questions! The future is looking scary...or is it the past? The present is safe. Just look at the site rules! The third set of point totals were posted Sunday.
Game Personals
To: Any Player Got a personal mysterious message? Email to one of the above addresses or inbox the club!

The_Rebel: A Kidnap Victim?

EXCLUSIVE INTERVEW & Eyewitness Account

This exclusive interview just in... I traveled quite a ways to meet with The_Rebel;yes, The_Rebel! Because of the nature of secret governmental resources, I have to paraphrase what The_Rebel told me. Specific quotes work better to effectively alter personality characteristics, or so The_Rebel has been told.

He/She (I'll use the term "he" for simplicity) wanted to meet far from Cybertown because so many "government people" or "feds" are trying to arrest him. There were so many rumors swirling in my head of different things people had told me.

"He's against the Game; he's trying to stop the Game; he wants to destroy anything he can't control; he wants to win, himself, not anyone else; he's an egomaniac." I actually hadn't heard anything good about him. But I wanted to have the interview to understand who he really was and what role he had in the Game. Exactly why were so many people trying to arrest him? What has he done? Is his crime not being happy?

First, he's not an imposing figure. You could walk down the street beside him, never knowing he held so much power in his hands. Yes, power. When so many people want you arrested (and worse), you hold power when you seem able to make sure that certain things don't happen. You're winning against the odds.

At that, we see this future Cybertown's government (in the future? In the past? and certainly within in the Game) as helpful, beneficial, and always good; but it is not so. They are controlling all of Cybertown, keeping every citizen in its grip, and all of that without their knowing it. How can this be done? By arresting men like The_Rebel, who try to wake up people, make them see the government for what it is; but these Cybertown citizens have complete faith in their governing body. Are they wrong? Is the Government right? Who IS the government. And for tht matter who are they?

Didn't we help vote the government in, didn't we support the nominations? Of course. We gave them power; we gave them the power, no one else did. Since we voted for them, encouraged their nominations and supported them all the way, we couldn't be fooled. Or could we?

But what about those few quiet voices we have heard? Those who wondered if what they were doing was the best for Cybertown? As they made requirements to become citizens and then closed tighter and tighter around the requirements, didn't we wonder why so few newbies weren't around? And, our freedoms? We could only be in Cybertown at specific times, and that for a set amount of time? We hardly had time to see our houses and businesses before we had to log out of Cybertown. What better way to keep us from talking together and asking what our government was doing? (If you hadn't noticed, a lot of us were meeting outside Cybertown.)

Then, as if orchestrated, The_Rebel comes on the scene telling person by person what is actually happening in Cybertown. He will not give you answers on what is right or wrong, who you should support or not, what you should do or not. He only says to see what is before you and "follow your heart." What better way to awaken his friends? The same, sly way as the government did, but telling the truth, not a lie. He will only give hints or suggestions to those who are trying to right wrongs. He speaks for some "higher ups" who cannot speak out for their own reasons. He speaks out for Cybertown, for those who cannot see the truth. I believe him.

The truth is that the government wants him to be out of the picture. They don't want him speaking to anyone about the governing body of Cybertown. Whenever he is needed (and called), he will give hints and suggestions, but never telling us what to do. That would be our choice and ours alone.

As we ended our interview, he slipped away. I peeked (just barely) around the corner to make sure he got away safely. No! I had to fight the desire to run out and help The_Rebel. The government agents were swarming around him, putting him in chains to keep him from escaping, and then I saw them giving him an injection to keep him from speaking. And there, at the head of all, was mickeyw laughing because he finally had The_Rebel. I don't think he saw me.

As soon as he left, and the area was cleared of all the "government people", I made a few calls. It seems that they will keep him for ten days. After ten days, they will mind-swipe him; he will be our Rebel no more. I fear for his safety. We must find where the government holds him, so we can rescue him and save what otherwise will become a shattered mind. All those who can read, those who may understand please DO understand, please DO help find and for the multiverse's sake DO help SAVE The_Rebel.