The City Wide Vote

Instructions. These are the numbers USED for the voting, which is located in the New Game club. At the same time there will be a city wide survey for your participation that will result in prizes. It took a while to get here. Now it is the City's turn! Your turn! For this vote, we took a close look at each idea posted and edited as needed. Vote for one. But here is the trick of it all: YOUR votes change the scenario! The Top TWO voted scenarios YOU make become what we present to the City Council and Founder as the City selections for the game! This IS your game, Cybertown.

The highest club vote is posted as #1 for the general public vote in the city! The full post can be read as well nas most edits on this web page:

1 [Ed. Note: to our careful may begin to see how a scenario begins to change? Certainties become possibilities, opening a game to a wider interpretation. Our scenario is growing and changing...]

(Club # 1. and # 6.)Earth may be destroyed-war? a bomb? Cybertown is a real place. It was the first and may be the only Earth colony remaining. This colony of Earth is located in outer space. New and old technology, ancient and new civilizations and even gods discovered on almost a daily basis. Cybertown is the nexus. The city has ancient and newly discovered archives and has become the Crossroads for these groups to meet. Yet there are many other colonies and worlds trying to develop an Inter-Stellar governmental body for mutual self protection, or even trying to Conquer the known universe. Who are they?

Their negotiations and conflicts occur only in specific locations and interested life forms access these groups by finding them within the city. Cybertown became independent and declared neutrality. They trade and interact with these other groups who come to Cybertown. Enemies and rebels move among citizens, all respecting Cybertown's position. Two years after earth fall. Cybertown ideals are being defended by others and all kinds of governments are appearing. Which side will you join?

2 (Club # 19.) VR and RL dimensions are in danger...the worlds are merging into one.

3 (Club # 16.) In a future Cybertown, the Age of Technology has dawned and Scientists have, through a number of experiments, developed a way to create real objects using VRML code and an "Atomizer" creating very scary weaponry.

4 (Club # 14.) The earth has been nearly destroyed by pollution and over-population. After finding out that the Cybertown residents also live on earth, a group gets together to fly into space to find another earth.

5 (Club # 10.) A Family Feud somehow begins to affect the rest of a future CT in some fashion. t begins with one disagreement leading to everyone fighting for what they believe is right.

6 (Club # 9.) The future City splits into all out civil war, both sides battling for who will gain control. A Good vs Good. This Dramatic plot touches upon the reasons for war asking: "Why am I battling a fellow citizen over a stupid disagreement?

7 (Club # 7.) When the New Game began. The City gave birth and then slipped into a time nexus creating a whole new Universe with worlds from all times available. Unfortunately this gave access to known and unknown historical personalities from all over the Multiverse and conflict.

8 (Club # 5.) Cybertown technology developed a transportation device that only transported the electrical imprint of a human. At first this was viewed as a disaster and was nearly covered up. However, non corporeal bodies don’t sicken and die. Once fail safes were enacted, transportation into Cybertown was no longer a virtual reality, but reality.

9 (Club # 4.) Treachery is a constant. Earth is ravaged by multiple wars. There are secrets. Creatures and gods from mythology reborn with mutations, migrations, rise of magic, tech cabals, anti-science groups. Cybertown is the nexus to the universe giving contact with alien civilizations through the Innet, a powerful communications mode. New discoveries come as many seek to conquer the Universe and remake it in their own.

10 (Club # 24.) A future Cybertown as the Lost City of Atlantis

11 (Club # 2.) A future Cybertown took on a life of its own. The first clue that something unusual was happening was when people who joined Cybertown disappeared from Earth. Aliens discovered they could do the same. Since then other worlds grew in development and began to battle for control.

12 (Club # 25.) It's 2052, and toy manufacturers (all of them!) are selling a "live" doll. All the children are desperate for the new toy, and the parents think it's great. You will not believe what all these living dolls do....