CVN Interviews
by allen

Our Timeless Gem
CVN: Hello and CVN thanks you for taking your valuable time out to do this interview and let the citizens in Cybertown get to know ya better. :)

CVN: First and formost what's your name and how long ya been in Cybertown?
TimelessGem: I have been here since March 6 2007
CVN: What kind of things have you done in cybertown so far? I own 3 clubs but they are not up and running as of yet. I am an artist and i have made 9 art pieces so far, I collect art and I am the newest member of the CT jail guard family.
CVN: So what made you decide to join the Jail staff?
TimelessGem: I wanted to help make CT a place where all can enjoy and be safe, so I joined the team of JG.
CVN: What things (if you could) would you change about the jail?
TimelessGem: I would take out that Jail Guard that looks at me now matter where I go in the jail. Freaky really lol. ...And that big rat that halee made me feed.
CVN: Is it exciting to work in the jail? Explain in depth a little please?
TimelessGem: I like working there. I found that when working with another person it's even better. But time goes pretty fast for me anyway.
CVN: What is the wildest thing (that you can tell us, that is) that you have seen while working in the jail?
TimelessGem: It was my first day with Halee and Allen and a snert came in and poor Allen had to deal with her. I was rolling on the floor. Sorry Allen :P
CVN: Um I see... THAT day. No problem. What are your plans for the future here in Cybertown?
TimelessGem: I am taking that one day at a time. I am still new to CT, And like I said before, I have my art as well.
CVN: How have you benefited from your Cybertown experience?
TimelessGem: I have made a lot of new friends. I have also learned to do art from some of the best in CT. Thank you, my teachers!
CVN: If you had to explain why a new person should join cybertown what would you say?
TimelessGem: You will never find a more caring, loving and safe place to live, play, and make new friends as you would in CT. Come on over and check it out for yourself.
CVN: While not in cybertown, what do you like to do in your spare time?
TimelessGem: I am a full time mom of 6 kids. All are grown up, but the baby, who is 4 years old. I am an artist and have sold my paintings in r/l. I like to play RP games on the computer and PS2. I like to do outdoor things as well, AND yes, I collect art as well in r/l. I work with a group that helps "at risk" youth through art and they get to sell it at the end of their 3 week class.
CVN: What are your interests in Cybertown?
TimelessGem: Collecting Art, and chatting to all my new friends, and making art myself.
CVN: If your friends had to sum you up in 1 to 5 words what would they say?
TimelessGem: I am kind and caring.
CVN: How do you feel about your fellow coworkers?
TimelessGem: They are the coolest people to work with. I don't know them too well, but we are getting there.
CVN: On average how many hours a week do you spend in cybertown?
TimelessGem: 5-8 hours , maybe more.
CVN: Is there anything else that you would like the readers of Cybertown to know about you?
TimelessGem: Hi and hugs to all I am glad I had the chance to let you all get to know me better.
CVN: Thank you very much for taking your time in doing this interview and I can't wait to see how others enjoy reading it. Take care and have a great day!

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