Our editor, jdb_educator, chased haleeween down in the plaza recently in an attempt to get a 3D screen picture. Here is a little of that conversation to explain why we took the unusual step of giving our interviewee the green color (Gryffindor Team's color) in the interview below. Her avatar choice was Tom Riddle's Diary from the Harry Potter series.
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : YAY! I got it!
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : LOL woohoo!!!
font color="#FFFF80">CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : doesn't open? lol too bad
Head Jail Guard haleeween17868 : Rofl, naw, not yet anyhow I am going to be working on a fully functional diary though, now that I have time.
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : coolio on functional
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : Anything you want to add about your Harry Pptter interest?
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : Yes, I am obsessed with HP rofl, my haleeween home is fully dedicated to HP which is located in Gryffindor Team in the Quidditch Pitch hood of Games colony Which I built from the floor up and Niwi is now the wonderful NL of. Oh and for all the readers, if you have read the last book... BE QUIET, no spoilers please! LOL CVN Editorjdb_educator67688 : lol got your copy? CVN Editorjdb_educator67688 : I finished last night...
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : omg No I can't afford it yet LOL
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : my review gives nothing away :)
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 :Shweet! : Won't be til the first before I get my copy lol I am just absolutely dying to. CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : it's fun
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : Does Harry really die?
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : No
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : Don't answer
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : LOL
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : heh JK surprises you, again and again...
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : I cried for about an hour when Dumbledore was killed, then for another 45 minutes after I finished the book, was already bawling right before he died
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : lol I understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A very loud "Noooooooooo" was my response!
Head Jail Guard haleeween 17868 : Then for the next three days, I was just wrecked, tried telling my in laws about the book ... and just couldn't.
CVN Editor jdb_educator 67688 : And now, on to allen's original interview!
CVN: Hello and CVN thanks you for taking your valuable time out to do this interview and let the citizens in Cybertown get to know ya better. :)
CVN: First and foremost whats your name and how long ya been in Cybertown?
haleeween: haleeween is my nick, name is Leeann. Been here off and on since '01
CVN: What kind of things have you done in cybertown? I've worked in the jail for quite a while now. I have held every job from CA all the way up to CD. I also have my Apprentice World Builder title and I create items for the mall as well as events and special requests. I have hosted events. Organised events. Why, even paritcipated in events.
CVN: So what made you decide to join the Jail staff?
haleeween: I wanted to be on the staff back in '01 but just didn't have the exp or time in city required. Not to mention, back then they were brimming with staff members. So, when I came back, I went and checked out the jail, they were hiring, so I applied.
CVN: What things (if you could) change about the jail?
haleeween: Install a coffee machine and hire a permanent Jail House Rat caretaker.
CVN: Is it exciting to work in the jail and explain in depth a little please?
haleeween: It can be, when there are folks rolling through visiting.
CVN: What is the wildest thing (that you can tell us that is) that you have seen while working in the jail?
haleeween: Allen's Pink Paddy Wagon.
CVN: What are your plans for the future here in Cybertown?
haleeween: To bring more events into the town and to keep creating items.
CVN: How have you benefited from your Cybertown experience?
haleeween: Making good friends and learning VRML
CVN: If you had to explain why a new person should join cybertown what would you say?
haleeween: I'd say, "Join CT and experience everything there is to see and do. 3d is incredible, so much to see and do".
CVN: While not in Cybertown what do you like to do in your spare time?
haleeween: Watch movies, play games, read, write, listen to music, hang out with friends.
CVN: What are your interests in Cybertown?
haleeween: Exploring and creating CVN: If your friends had to sum you up in 1 to 5 words what wouldthey say?
haleeween: Funny, blunt, honest, strange.
CVN: How do you feel about your fellow co-workers?
haleeween: They are very nice folks
CVN: On average how many hours a week do you spend in cybertown?
haleeween: All depends on what is going on in my offline life
CVN: Is there anything else that you would like the readers of Cybertown to know about you?
haleeween: Not really, folks already know what they need to know about me ;)
CVN: Thank you very much for taking your time in doing this interview and I can't wait to see how others enjoy reading it. Take care and have a great day!