BusyLion and his life in Cybertown
by sony_man10, CVN

sony_man10, CVN reporter, returns to CVN after an extended research trip into the so-called real world of Earth. With luck, future articles may detail his findings.

oh my name is BusyLion and a friend from a different 3d site told me about Cybertown in May of 2000
sony_man10: ok, what was the first job u did to start earning your self some money
BusyLion: club assistant was my first job but I became a block deputy very fast
sony_man10: can u remember the club u worked for and who was your boss
BusyLion: the club was that of the friend that told me about Cybertown, his nick was atic or mack1 I can't remember which one was his CT name
sony_man10: ok what about the block deputy job u had. Can u remember what colony and what block u were in and who was your block leader?
BusyLion: I don't remember the block or hood, but it was in Inner Realms I'm sure 'cause that's where my other friend lived that gave me the block deputy job
BusyLion: bl or boss was Silvershas
BusyLion: very good friend online
sony_man10: so what did u think of your time in CT once u became a BD
BusyLion: I was amazed at how many people there were, always chatting and way to much to see and do
sony_man10: I know myself when i came to Cybertown i looked up to people like your self while sitting in the car dealer chat selling cars. Can u tell me when u got into selling the cars?
BusyLion: I was not into selling right away 'cause I was spending all my CCs buying for collection. I can't say when I even had enough CCs to start buying to resell the cars.
sony_man10: aww kk so u started off buying for your own collection?
BusyLion: yes, just didn't have enough CCs at first, like all newbies
sony_man10: aww kk
sony_man10: so how long after u came into Cybertown before you did buy and start selling car's
BusyLion: I'd say first month I bought my first vehicle. It was a cyborob blue or red suv, can't remember which color. And I'd guess a year later I was selling vehicles
BusyLion: I'm sure I was selling in that first year tho
sony_man10: how long would u say in your first year of selling car's did u make your first 100k?
BusyLion: wow um, maybe 6 months
BusyLion: took awhile
BusyLion: O.O
sony_man10: i noticed Recently u were pretty rich. How long did that take u?
BusyLion: I have had to use the stock market to become rich in CCs. Took at least a year of buying and selling stocks
sony_man10: could u let us all into the secret of becoming rich in Cybertown?
BusyLion: stock market. Buy low, sell high.
sony_man10: ok final question for u lion. i heard a lot of people talking about u! Are you trying to set up a car museum? could u tell us a little about this please?
BusyLion: yes, I have 6 nicks, 30 clubs, a couple houses, and vehicles set out in 3d
BusyLion: CT vehicles 1 - 30 for clubs
sony_man10: are u hoping to get every vehicle that was created in Cybertown?
BusyLion: lol well I know that's a dream. I'll never get one of each
sony_man10: would u say u would hope Cybertown would recognize your work and maybe open up a store in the museum for all the cars?
BusyLion: I know has some vehicles on display. I've donated some rares that he needed or had in his wanted book. And I also hope I'm helping by doing my 30 clubs so others can find more examples of vehicles set out to view.
BusyLion: one person can't do every item made in CT, and I know that
BusyLion: Cybertress does art museums
sony_man10: nice well, thank u for letting me interview u lion
BusyLion: no problemo