NL of Mind, Body, Spirit Hood

Stormbreeze, you have been in Cybertown since December 08, 2001. Your information states: "Hello! Hmmmm.. a little bit about myself. Well, I am a mother of two, happily married for quite some time. I have a wonderful husband that supports everything I do. I am White/Native American. I LOVE 3d Chat Communities, Antiques and to do Genealogy research, especially Native American research. I live in an 1870's Opera house in a quaint little town. I enjoy meeting new people. So if ya want to chat just give me a hollar. Have a wonderful day :)"

CVN: Have you changed your info since you joined?
Stormbreeze: Nope, I don't think I have :)
CVN: I know it is improper, but may we ask your age?
Stormbreeze: Old enough to know better and to young to resist :)
CVN: Ah yes.*nods* You hold many jobs. We see you are currently Block Deputy of seven blocks, no doubt as part of your NL duties and Club Owner of Stormbreeze2. Can you tell us about your club?
Stormbreeze: My club is sorta my storage. Next?
CVN: Can you tell us about your progress up through the political stucture in Cybertown?
Stormbreeze: It's been good for me so far.
CVN:Glad you are enjoying your journey! What was your first CT job?
Stormbreeze: I started as a BD in Inner Realms in the Mind, Body Soul Hood over in the Soul block. I think Cichlid was my BL and then there was Lambsy and a few other wonderful people.
CVN: What was your best CT job experience?
Stormbreeze: I would have to say BL. I had so much fun doing that.
CVN: You serve as Neighborhood Leader of Mind Body Spirit neighborhood in Inner Realms. How has that experience been?
Stormbreeze: Very Enjoyable.
CVN: What has been your experience so far in Cybertown?
Stormbreeze: A very pleasant one. I have met some very wonderful friends here.
CVN: What are your favorite: games, foods and RL interests:
Stormbreeze: Love to play Poker, All the women in my family get together and play poker once a month. On occassion we let the gentlemen play ... heehee. I really like cappuccino on a cold winters day. Spending time with family and friends:)
CVN: What is your favorite color? RL activity?
Stormbreeze: My favorite color is Red and I enjoy watching my kids grow.
CVN: What has kept you in Cybertown?
Stormbreeze: The people I have met through the years.
CVN: Who, in Cybertown, has most influenced you?
Stormbreeze: Oh gosh that's a tough one, as there have been so many:)
CVN: Yes,the same is true for us too.
CVN: Let's try RL, Who, in RL, has most influenced you?
Stormbreeze: My Grandmother
CVN: What are your greatest accomplishments here in Cybertown?
Stormbreeze: I would hope to think helping new residents get settled and enjoying CT to its fullest through the years.
CVN: IN RL, What are your greatest accomplishments in your life so far?
Stormbreeze: My Girls!
CVN: Children are indeed a great accomplishment and bring parents hope, joy, and lots of worries. :) Is there anything more you can tell us about your husband or children?
Stormbreeze: They're wonderful! They are my life and because of them is why I am who I am, today. Which I would hope is a good person lol !
CVN: You have resigned as NL because you are moving in rl and not sure about internet posibilities. What are your plans when you do return to Cybertown?
Stormbreeze: Oh I don't know, settle amongst friends. Maybe get a job:) Just plain have fun:)
CVN: Thnx for the interview :) Anything more?
Stormbreeze: Here are my favorite links. Check them out!
Potawatomi Roots (Native American Research)
Wendy's Search & Find (Genealogy Research)