"Achieving Your Dreams"
I think two of my dreams have come true
by Doug_Black

I am currently still working at the store I dreamed about. It's been 3 years and 137 days . I have some pics, but none of me working. LOL!! I just remember being asked to walk up to this store to get stuff for dinner or even just running up to get a chocolate bar or a "Cold Sucks" which is basically a slurpee or iced drink. I was so infatuated with the store and the staff who worked there. The store has gone over a complete makeover outside, but the inside has basically stayed the same.

One of my dreams as a child was to work at the Mohawk/Husky Gas Station up the street where I used to live in Winnipeg. In May 2006, the owner of the store took notice of all the people I knew from the area, and decided to hire me. It's 2009 now, so I think one of my dreams has come true.

As for what I think of the job? I don't mind it, really. I had to get used to working 8 1/2 hours a day. I have freedom to do what's best for the store. I basically can take my time when I'm shopping for the store or doing magazine returns. I just don't have owner privileges to fire people. If I did, there'd be a few I'd let go. I don't see myself doing this forever, but I still have lots to learn.

At work, I am a full-time employee who does a little bit of everything. Most days I am a gas jockey. I, basically, go out to the Full Serve island and put gas into people's cars, wash windshields, and even check the oil.

I am also a cashier, running transactions through the cash register when people buy things from within the store. I am the main staff member who goes throughout the store and makes an order of what we need to buy for the store to keep us operational. I've learned a lot from the previous staff members, but I've learned a lot by myself too. For example, I had to train myself on how to use the machines: the cash register, the gas pumps, and everything else associated with the store.

My final duty comes at the end of the day where I take the previous day's deposit to the bank to be put into the stores bank account. I also get a coin order for the store just in case we need change for the cash registers.

Here's my two pics, I took these photos during lunch break. =>

http://tinypic.com/r/zl8z76/4 (looking at the front of the store)

http://tinypic.com/r/11jqlmo/4 (looking from the side of the store)

Here are two more pics that I took just last week. Just in time, too, as we got some snow, afterwards.

http://tinypic.com/r/c6wjt/4 (photo looking out to where I work)

http://tinypic.com/r/opb4tc/4 (photo of my cash register that I use)

My other dream came true in 2005. I read in the newspaper that a famous actor was to grace our city as he was set to film "The Big White". Robin Williams has been a favourite actor of mine ever since I started watching his movies. One day, I decided to walk down to our mall with my Mom here in Winnipeg and do some shopping.

I thought it would be cool to check out a video game store and find a new game to play, but upon entering I only noticed the staff and 1 customer in the store. I walked over to this person and glanced over and noticed it was Robin Williams of all people.

I said "hello" and he replied back. I kindly asked him for an autograph and my request was accepted. I went over to ask my Mom for pen and paper and she asked why I needed the paper and pen. I had to introduce her to Robin Williams. Once I got the autograph, I thanked him and continued shopping in the mall. I have that autograph somewhere in my house.

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Looking forward to hearing from you!
And doug_black says "I can't wait to hear what people have to say. " So email us, already! (or inbox Doug: http://www.cybertown.com/home/doug_black )

~~jdb_educator, editor

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