"Achieving Your Dreams"
by twohot

"It all depends on what kind of dream are you talking about! Is it one that is like a day dream or is it a realistic dream? I have both .

I have lots of day dreams. I am a bit selfish when it comes to them, but I do dream about the world becoming a better place with love, caring, kindness, hope and long lasting families.

I dream about my family living on a world that sustains its self with growing food, and the stores filled with things that are grown with the right kind of ingredients! (no additives that are harmful). And I dream that my family lives with other wonderful people and there are not many health problems. I see this all the time in my mind, but the biggest part about this is my children living with no problems. Danger, hate, bad places, or scary things just don't exist. I dream of being in a world where my children do not have to move faraway just to be happy.

Yes, it is a dream. A peaceful one. But dreams are fantasy. It is like day dreaming about what you would want your life to be like.

I also have realistic dreams, but they are more personal. I dream of quitting smoking and doing more with my self then wasting time.

Just the other day, my oldest said 'don't expect me to be sorry for you 'cause you didn't do any thing to change or improve yourself.' Sadly, I kind of agree with her, but I am as stubborn as she is!

I also dream of all of my girls being strong and without any major problems. They have too many problems now. (I had bigger dreams for them, but I have to face the fact of their reality and not simply dream that they are happy where they are. I need to be proud that they are trying to become strong. I hope they are!

Those are important dreams, hopes, even fantasies. But what about my realistic dreams? Here is what I am going to do to accomplish three of my dreams

  • 1. I plan to go for walks or at least do more then just sitting
  • 2. I plan to take the new pills I get for quit smoking ... this time
  • 3. I plan to stop feeling negative about my girls not doing what I wanted them to do and help them with where they are now, if needed, if desired, if possible .
  • twohot Council Leader of Entertainment Colony
    Visit me at http://www.cybertown.com
    and I am at http://www.myspace.com/twohot

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