A Cybertown Adventure: Part One

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A Cybertown Adventure
by b1a1b and a bunch of Cybertown characters

Setting: This is the kind of multiverse where Old Earth is under attack, the Internet is under attack, and personal life styles are under attack. There is one brave planet in the fourth quadrant that is tired of defending and merely holding off the barbarians at the portal. And, of course, that planet is under attack as well...

You can never understand the pressures, the fears, the concerns you feel when you get the call ... or that knock at the door of your home like I did.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was up in the tower of my home writing in my journal. I didn't have to report to work until much later and I knew Seth was at his monthly meeting of the council. That meant my time was my own. I thought. The knock was loud, yanking me from my deliberations.

And then I heard jdb laugh down below. jdb is a character in his own right. He is known as the archivist of the city. He collects the citizens' knowledge and history, and records it while staying neutral, always seeking to present a fair mind. I checked my security monitor for the front door. Outside of my door were Seth, Security Commissioner Ablu, Mayor Stone and jdb. I immediately began to sweat. What in the world had I done to warrant a visit from the archivist, the mayor, my CL, and the worst of all, the security commissioner?

I hurried down the stairs, thinking hard. Seth met me at the door. He was wearing the robe of a the second highest office in the land. I was stunned. I had no idea Seth was deputy mayor. He was first in line and he had a big grin on his face. That confused me. "Congratulations Councilor b1!"

You never know how it's going to feel to become a member of the city council, until it happens. It was relief at first. My face lit up as I suddenly knew that I wasn't going to the jail.

The Mayor stepped forward and handed me a council robe of a soft silk like material. The honor struck me at that point and I started to tear up. Then everyone welcomed me with warm words and bright, smiling faces. It was a very exciting day. I did not understand that day would or could lead to what it did. At that moment I was pleased, relieved, and honored. Later that would change. Responsibilities do change perspectives.

But that night, there was a celebration in the Campus. I was permitted to introduce myself as the new Colony Leader. The Campus has always been a place of learning and a comfort to me. I've always wanted the best for it. Now was my chance to contribute.

The party lasted long into the night until finally it was time for me to go home, to seek my bed, and to sleep, or attempt to sleep. I knew I had to be at the office early that next morning so I programmed the home system to wake me up so I could teleport to the office. As I laid down to sleep, something just wasn't quite right. There was something... Somehow I sensed... no, I knew there was something more.

In that deepest darkness before dawn, I began to hear a knock at my window. It wasn't a loud knock but more of a peck, peck, peck. I cautiously rose from my bed, walked silently over to the window, pushed the curtain to the side and saw a hawk. This was not a hologram. This was not a dream. At the window was an actual bird. Around the bird's talon I saw a note. I reached for it. It slipped off and the bird flew away. The note read: "Councilor, it is time for us to meet each other. We need to talk. Please come to the city hall immediately- Hawk"

My mouth dropped open. Was this the other dropped shoe, that I sensed was coming? My heart beat deeply and rapidly in my chest. THE HAWK wanted to speak to me. The founder of the city. The one who helped form the colony long after we all had left old earth. It was ... well, to say the least, a big deal. I grabbed my staff, my cloak, my new councilor robe, as well as my rings, and teleported to the city hall where in front of me was a man. A stranger in a plain white robe. Around his neck was a medallion with the symbol of Cybertown. This was the legendary Hawk. He looked calm, serious yet somber. He radiated dedication and the comportment that only comes from long being in the presence of wisdom.

"Follow me" he said
I followed him down the light lined path that suddenly appeared. I noticed we were walking into a part of the city hall that I had never seen before. The end of the new hallway led to a great hall. At the backend of the great hall, there is a giant seal. On either side of the seal there are two statues. My heart seemed to rise within my chest as I saw the statues. I saw Flyby, one of the most beloved fathers of our city, and Karyll, a personal hero to me and also another beloved citizen and caretaker.

"Do you know what this is b1? Do you understand this seal?" The founder asked
"I have no idea sir" was my quick, humble reply
He began to tell me a story.
"Before Cybertown, before you, before me, even before jdb, the internet was a dangerous place. Children were abused, money was stolen, outright acts of evil occurred. Even here. No one was able to stop it. Evil ran rampant and liked it that way. I saw the pain and suffering. I saw the abuse of the innocent. I saw the evil. I couldn't take anymore. I could… no, I would not accept it. . I arranged for barriers and multiple layers of security to protect our citizens while easing citizen and visitor movement in and out of the city. Yes, I created Cybertown, then oversaw establishing the current array of defenses and worked with the Council on rule creation and advanced security development so that we would be safe from attack here. It has worked well. That's why we have security. We work hard to promote a fair society. Yet..."

"Why tell me, Sir? Is it a council thing?" I replied.
"The security barrier is breaking, councilor. Something is trying to get into Cybertown. He paused and looked into my eyes, before continuing. "b1, it is the outside." He saw my puzzlement. He smiled grimly. "An ancient evil from the old world is trying to come in. We can't control it if that happens. You and a few others, a few of your fellow council members and these two new residents must put a stop to this new threat to our citizens." He spoke firmly, with concern. And I thought there was an edge of fear touching his words.

The next thing I knew... ablu, dazzle, tala, cheercoach, mickey, two newbies with less than 100 experience and I were flying upside down through some unfamiliar portal. We were falling? Flying? Thrown? out of Cybertown. Yet, we all heard the voice of Hawk "Seek and find, my friends. You are looking for an end to the corruption seeking entrance to Cybertown."

I guessed Hawk would not be telling me the rest of story.

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