By waltercrankcase20999 for CVN, CNN, ABC and DEF

In a hard fought election Thermidor1111 squeaked by DarthVader1984 and the Emperor2525 by a mere 32 votes out of 2 million votes cast.

CVN polls showed the difference was in a late round of campaign appearances by Vader supporters who promised free web worlds for every faction, provided free avatars and bought free rounds at the BAR NONE.

There was some question about voting irregularities in Florida Colony.

75% of Voters polled said that buying elections went out on the 20th century.
40% of voters said they would have changed their votes if they had received free web servers, and lifetime pensions in Real money.
25% of voters said "What election?"

Thermidor in a historic virtual election campaign promised "a virtual chicken in every virtual pot."
