lenire: paden,designers are being mean to me Message was sent. User is Offline. The message will be delivered when user goes Online. lenire: paden,come to the warehouse,please Paden: Lenire. I am beat. I know people can get upset at change, and I need to be at an auction. lenire: what auction ill meat ya their,me and musicat lenire: and the desingers thing was just to get attention,hehe lenire: well, i wanted a chatlog,but thisll have to do Paden: Lenire. I am busy. If it is terrible, I will be able to reply to an e-mail in a while. lenire: Paden, for your hard work and dedication as mall object checker, i present you with this (http://www.cybertown.com/cgi-bin/cybertown/object?ac=aDIS&ID=o001ace29&PLC=p00000000000009fe&RND=5bd600ab&ie=ie.html) as your badge of honor as mall object checker (ret.) enjoy lenire: an object that describes what you love and hate Paden: Heheh. I like that. Sorry I am so tired, and got roped into bidding on Dixied. lenire: hehe,its set for you,also this will showup in weekly news,as a tribute Paden: Cool. Thank you all. lenire: or is it a capital P Paden: Capital P lenire: set,its from both me and musicat,all 3 of us have one as checker,and the 3d really is broken Paden: Why is it broken? lenire: we thought itd be good to let you know the mall is in poor hands it has 2 textures, its to big, its not on the floor, and its just wierd looking,it says so in the thumb Paden: I don't understand. lenire: what you hate-bad objects love-reject button, see it is you what you hate and love Paden: heheh. Sounds cool.