He later earned a better and more responsible BL (BLOCK LEADER in the same challenging block. The BL looks after the block and helps get jobs for people. He worked hard and concentrated on that job for a while. Later on, he achieved a job that would get him known to many more people. He became ND or NEIGHBORHOOD DEPUTY.
He could of had fame, fortune and a big success in an e-Plex job, but he knew his hood needed him to become a ND, twice as much. His latest and last job was a tremendous achievement as SND, A SENIOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEPUTY.That is the current job he still has and shortly, very shortly he hopes to get a NL or NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER position. I'm saying all this because if you stay in the block where you began to have success, say as a BD, then you may be able to stay there and even become a NL! And from there? CD, CL or Mayor are all possibilities.
Goldboarder has never made any 3D objects for which he might have become well known throughout Cybertown, alas. But the thing is that he doesn't really have the programs to make the all those good 3D objects. However goldboarder does keep busy: