Galactic Encyclopaedia

Sample prepared by Elexia

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Australia: Year: 2366.

Population: 30 million (2632).

Capital: Canberra

Lifestyle: Agriculture and Trade

History (overview): Since the ‘upgrading’ of the rest of Earth in 2050, Australia was left pretty much in the Milky Way’s afterburners. Then, having been plunged into the New Dark Ages following the Electro Magnetic shock wave during the ill fated Plutonian Rebellion in 2104, Australia, like her sister island countries New Zealand, etc. lost all electricity and vital machinery. They returned successfully to people power and non-electrical living, proving once again the solid determination of their ancestors to survive. Over the centuries, Australia has become one of the premier industries for food and livestock, transported over the world and animal genetics exported off world. However, progress in upgrading the country has been extremely slow, gradual, and often stopped by events. Within a decade, sufficient electricalequipment is expected to be imported to the main cities to provide power to over half of the population. There is some resistance

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