last update 5/23/02

Issue 75: Fictional news from Cybertown, as if CT were a real plantary city: first proposal

jdb_educator, CVN Editor


This page is designed to give you, the reader and writer, some basic information about the Universe created for Issue 75 of the Cybertown Weekly News.

This is a fictional setting and section for the Weekly, so we can report the news as if Cybertown existed outside of Virtual Reality. All names, except geographic names and locations are considered fictional and have no ties to reality!

Each article contained within this scenario becomes the property of Cybertown, CVN and the individual writer for their use. The scenario created by jdb_educator is solely his creation and is hereby copyrighted to Cybertown, CVN, jdb_educator and the following scenario developers: pcfreakske2000, Elexia, Mr. Poirot, Clssof2001. Each are added for their wriiten contributions to the screnario. Some changes are found within the issue itself rather than revising this sceanario. and allowed use by any writer of fiction as long as copyright credit is given in any publication, using this scenario. The author gives thanks and blessings to all Sci-fi writers who have come before, and cheerfully admits the influences contained herein. One specific influence needs to be named since it is an e-book created by a friend. What So Proudly We Hailed by Gil Hinshaw published by Gil recognizes computer chip control. And presents the political beginnings of it in the United States.



Year 2366-The year changed too!

Population 5 billion

Off Planet Worlds

(Population 3 billion)

Cybertown (of course is the off world government) Colony City is the capital J

Andromeda: -Santa Fe-capital, New Spain, Basque City, Islamabad

Moon--Luna is capital, Jumpoff, Regal

Mars-, Moskva is Capital, New Paris, Mountain Retreat

Venus, Venusia, Asiatica, Commerce City


The earth: a series of business dictatorships exist under the former United Nations now called The Unified World Government (UWG) which is based in Beijing, China. The only freedom in the known Universe is found in Cybertown and the Colonies. War is brewing between Earth and Colonies. The earth is "pacified" into business sectors. International Business conglomerates rule the earth in a peaceful "1984" George Orwell sort of fashion. Rebellions are put down immediately and "firmly."

Basic Technology: Star ships, inter-planetary travel, and individual computer monitors (chip implants) only on Earth. Star trek technology has become real life with computer generated entertainment: holo-deck, transporters ("beam me up Scotty") etc. We have yet to find other life in the Universe.Oops!! Pcfreakske says we have been IN Contact for a while (Maurasia Lots can happen with new or "old" findings... There have been artifacts found in the past on Mars and Venus. Genetics alteration and clones are a part of life. Artificial Intelligence is also now a fact.

People remain good, bad and indifferent (uncaring) and as crazy as today. The world is a business climate, greed and citizen control is the way of life, except in the colonies...

Americas (Canada, US, Mexico, Central & all of South America) All countries become States of the Americas The capital is just now being moved to Lima, Peru from Mexico City, due to pollution.

EU-United Europe: Capital is Bern, Switzerland

Asiatica: All of Asia, Near East and Malaysia: includes Eastern Russian States, capital is Tokyo

Africa: capital is in Jerusalem: a joint Moslem-Judaic-Christian project.

The Islands: Capital Canberra, Australia: includes a patchwork of odd islands throughout the world. Major ones: Australia, New Zealand

Virtuality- all criminals are locked into a 3D seamless universe with no parole, where they are re-programmed to benefit the business community through drugs, mind wiping, personality adjustment and 're-programming."



Names of businesses to be used

IBBM-Interstellar Bookings Bio-Machines

GATES- Galactic Artificial Technology Education Sector

AIS-Artificial Intelligence Sector

Martin-McDonalds "Feeding the Universe" Space Transport-Food Sector

Interstellar Widgets- "Energy For All" Utilities Sector

Holla-World Entertainment Sector

(Feel free to add others)

Colony names for use from Warehoused, deleted names in Cybertown: This will give you the idea J

Each name here is followed by the number of experience points after the colon; please leave those out of any stories.

Here our all the leaders and their colonies:

Azaryelle: -20 - Cybertown

F-Elrond: 0 - Cybertown

f-f-f-f: 0 - Cybertown

najzma: -50 - Cybertown

Squall-2001: -25 - Andromeda:

nat1: -25 - Andromeda

nevet: -35 - Andromeda

grarn: -35 - Andromeda

Ivana85: -35 - Moon

Acrid7: -45 - Moon

Dionegia: -45 - Moon

munteanu_alex: -45 - Moon

strawberry5321: -50 - Mars

missfiesty_uk: -50 - Mars

empereor: -50 - Mars

a-09: 0 - Venus

A-1: 5 - Venus

A-10: 32 - Venus

A-12: 2196 Venus

Some other names for use: I took them from warehoused names that do not appear to identify real people names.

a---non--e--mus: 20 -

A---R---M---Y: 0 -

A--Bomb: 0 -

a--l: 5 -

a--n: 0 -

C-Baby: 10 -

a-15: 15 -

A--n--B: 0 -

A--Z--9: 0 -

a-.: 0 -

a-09: 0 -

A-1: 5 -

A-10: 32 -

A-12: 2196

c-9: 25 -

C-A-N-D-Y: 5 -

C-A-P: 10 -

c-a-r-m-i-n-a: 0 -

C-a-s: 40 -

c-a-t-w-o-m-a-n: 0 -

C-Alias: 0 -

c-b: 5 -

C-B-W: 0 -

f-bomb: 0 -

F-D: 15 -

F-Dogg: 0 -

f-hornet99: 0 -

F-i-R-E: 10 -

F-i-t-c-h: 10 -

f-j: 5

G-1: 0 -

G-13: 5 -

G-14: 0 -

G-15: 0 -

G-2000: 30 -

G-3: 10 -

G-7: 10 -

G-77: 5 -

g-_: 0 -

g-_-: 30 -

G-A-D-G-E-T: 0 -

g-a-n-d-a-l-f: 0 -

g-a-z: 0 - -