Our Cbertown Virtual News Winners for The October Writing Contest Announced!
They are placed in order of Winning!

First Place 500, 000 CCs: The House That time Forgot
by Alaanathea

The house at the end of the street was a beautiful old Victorian. The roof had five gables and was a bright, emerald green. The house itself was painted blood red and the shutters a brilliant blue. The porch railings were sunny yellow and the porch was in orange and purple. The neighborhood kids called it the clown house because it reminded them of the colors of the classic clown's garb. The yard was immaculate with a lovely antique rose garden. The smell was delightful on a warm spring night. The grass was always nice and neat and on occasion a snow white cat could be seen through the green picket fence. As beautiful as the house and yard were, no one was ever seen working on the yard or painting the house. No one ever went into the house or came out of the house. That of itself was not unusual but none of the windows were ever lighted, not even on the darkest night. Nor could the street light in front of the house penetrate the gloom inside. There were no spooky stories surrounding its history, in fact, no one could remember its history. They simply could not remember when it wasn't there.

One particular Halloween a young man, trying to impress the object of his affections, decided he would see who lived in the house and just what was inside. He and a few of his friends approached the fence, boasting about what they would do if the owners didn't let them inside. One boy said he would just push his way past the door, another said he would knock whoever opened the door down and step right on in, another that he wouldn't bother with the front door; he would go in through a window. They loaded up on beer as they sat just outside the fence on the curb never noticing the white lace curtain beside the door. It had been pulled aside just enough to allow anyone inside the house a view of the front gate. The curtain fell gently back into place and soft click could be heard at the front door, as if someone turned a lock. The young men didn't hear it over their own bravado.

"I'm ready if you are," said Tommy, who was trying to impress his girlfriend. "Let's go," slurred his best friend, Joe. They all got to their feet and opened the front gate marching straight up the walk and onto the garish porch and banged on the front door. It swung open silently, as if inviting them in. Joe was the first to break and run, the beer bravado leaving quickly. "Joe, you coward! Get back here!" Tommy laughed. He was still laughing as the unseen hands pulled him into the house and the door slammed. Unearthly laughter followed the others as they ran off the porch and out of the immaculate yard, screaming. Joe was sitting on the curb holding his knees and rocking back and forth. The only thing anyone could get him to say was, "It's eating him alive! It's eating him alive! The house….it's….eating…."

That was 50 years ago and the house is still standing at the end of the block, the cat is still seen in the immaculate yard, the roses still fill the air with perfume on a warm spring night. The house itself is still painted like a circus clown's wagon. The only difference is the scream that pierces the night from time to time. It's said that Tommy is the one screaming, being eaten alive by a house that time seems to have forgotten.

Second Place: 300, 000 CCs: The Haunted House
by deb44

The year was 1998. I was just a kid then, and my mom was letting me go trick or treat all by myself for once. I could hardly wait. I already had my witch costume on, and mom said I looked really scary. It was finally time to go out. I left the house with my really big pillow case. I wanted to get as much candy as I could. It was a dark and spooky night and it was cold out too. I didn't care. I had gone to every house except one, the spooky old house on the hill. Mom had told me to stay away from that house, but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

So I headed up the hill. Along the way there were some old signs that said "Turn Back now" and "Keep out". I didn't obey the signs. I thought they were just harmless Halloween decorations to fool people.

I finally reached the house. I knocked on the door but no answer, I knocked again, still no answer. So I knocked really hard the third time and the door opened with a bone chilling crreeeeekkk. But I wasn't turning back now. I entered the house and I could hear this eerie laughter. I looked around but nobody was around, so I thought it was one of those Halloween tapes full of spooky sounds.

As I kept exploring the house, I felt like I was being watched. Then I happened to look at an old painting of a man. I guess he owned the house. Suddenly the man's arm reached out of the painting and tried to grab me! I ran away further into the house, but I was thinking what a cool trick it was. The writing appeared on the wall in front of me, it said "Get out now, or Else!!!".

I didn't leave, I wanted the candy. I kept wandering around in the house looking for it. After 4 hours I finally found it in the den, it was near the piano which was playing all by it's self.

I didn't care, i picked up the bowl of candy and emptied it into my pillow case. The next thing I knew I was falling. I looked up and saw that open trap door where I had been standing.

I decided to look around to see what was down there, but it was too dark too see anything.

I never did make it home that night, or any other night. My mom put up missing posters around the city, but I was never found. And that house had somehow disappeared. It was never seen again either.

So if you ever go out "Trick or Treating" and you come to a house on the hill with signs, avoid that house while you can.


Third Place: 200,000 CCs: A Strange Night
by jetmoto2

Night was fast approaching and I needed a place to sleep. I chose the supposed officers house and found the best bedroom. In this room there was a window that looked out to the road and beyond that the frozen lake. I could see far away strikes of lightning that were slowly getting closer and closer, louder and louder, quicker and quicker.

A storm was coming and I decided to try and fall asleep before it got to the little town. I'm not sure when but sometime during the night a loud crack of lightning tore me from my slumber. The lightning from outside was creating shadows and the wind was howling, with something down stairs making an odd sort of noise.

This spooky scene was not going to stop me from finding out the cause of the annoying, odd noise coming from down stairs. I slowly crept along the walls, using the flashes of lightning as a guide, and slowly made my way down stairs.

Soon I was standing outside a door that led to an unknown room. Right as I put my hand on the knob the noise was the loudest and sharpest I had heard that night! I opened the door and jumped back, but the noise was coming from an open window. I quickly shut it and went back upstairs, remaining awake for another hour.


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