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Welcome to CVN's 3DPnet "Voice Chat observations"

Our several publications are full of creativity, exploration, resources, and just having fun.
November 1, 2013 Volume 1 issue: #17
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Voice Chat: observations

Below is a picture of the installed and working RAID group for our Voice Chat

voice chat picture

More may be added to this page!

Deighv sent me some corrections, so the poor guy now becomes a co-author of this page!

1. This is the number of our group. You will have to be approved, probably by Deighv.

2. Just like cell phones the bars tell you how good your connection is. Mine went from 0 bars to all four. By placing your cursor over those bars you can see the ping rate. A lower ping rate normally means a better connection. A “ping” is the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it takes your computer to send a signal to a remote server and receive a reply signal, kinda like sonar. Lower pings are “usually” associated with a stronger signal (more bars) although you can have high pings even with a stronger signal if your physical internet connection is poor (interference).

3. This area is actually the level control for your microphone and can be adjusted. The other bar shows the level for your speaker. The moving bar-graphic is the intensity of the level.

4. PRESS F2 to talk. You have to remember to press and HOLD this hotkey while talking. I forgot often while I was chatting with Deighv. You may change the hotkey as well as other options by clicking the small down-arrow to the right.