Around the Town
by dusty aka dusttodust, CVN Columnist

Heard and seen around the town
Inner Realms COTM Wrapup!!!
Well folks, I can say we have come to the end of an exciting month in Inner Realms where there has been non-stop action from day one!

First of all I would like to thank all the colonies who helped IR get this festive month up off the ground and flying non-stop to all ports in Cybertown! Let us begin with an average amount of visitors and participants in these great activities. If my numbers are not close to correct I am sure I will recieve many inboxes stating this! But JDB would jump all over me if I give a guesstimate, so my numbers will be an average of all events combined! Okay? ...Then with that said and without quibbling... well, much, the number of visitors and guests or players, including myself, was roughly 35 participants (average) for each event. A very good number!

You all did well IR! Lady Silver Splash, Playingby, Columns, Sylphie and many others did a great job! Special thanks IR (and me!) to Lambsy, Talaskian, ferretlady,Commander Riker, and last but certainly not least Thirteenth for a great job in all activities provided and fun generated.

Special thanks to all who attended , for without you there would be no actvities!

Also Thanks go to Mickeyw, IR Colony Leader and and to Auracle of Adventures! Now then if I have left anyone out, let me say this: these activites have kept me on turbo speed for the most part, in trying to cover all events as well as doing my NL duties in Games. So I apologize if I have omitted anyone.

Now then, the remaining events for IR COTM were: Black Market Auction which had a total of 33 attendees. Thirteenth was the Auctioner and when on break Sylphie did a Name that Tune event, which had many dsl winners, no dialups or broadband that I know of! Gotta tweak those modems folks! LOl All in all this event was fast paced and full of fun and bantering.

Playingby assisted in giving or putting up the urls for each item and a great job she did! It was I admit a rather high priced auction for in the first five minutes I was there two (2) items count them TWO, went for over 4 million ccs!

Playingby did give a way a lot of free pressies, so folks did not go away empty handed!

Name That Tune! A total of 29 players with Sylphie as hostess, with Catch Phrase Jigi as host! Playingby and 13th assisted! 100k per each answer was paid out! I am almost certain that much money was given out by IR for all these events and Mickeyw was having nightmares and will contine to have em for weeks to come!

TEA TIME/TAROT: Around 25 participants at this event, some floating in and out, made it hard to count! Most readings were favorable including mine, which told me of challanges forthcoming and of those accomplished! Sylpie's was postive and centered around growing! Y_L's cards were the Lover's Reverse which meant sparations or differences of opinion with a present love or an active party!

This party was a fast mover and a lot of comments were passed around thus making this a humorous chat as well! Tarot reading was done by Pixidring and for the most part well done with a little mystery thrown in as well. NICE JOB PIXI!

IR's Vault with a total of 1.5 million in the vault! In the beginning a lot of crashes which may because LSS crammed the microphone up Playingby/Vanna's nose! I witnessed this! We have the Blackmail screenies! jdb, ? Play's reaction to this was to say "Ouch!" and then immediatley crashed! While I was not able to finish this game, I saw several winners who did win, and Play thanked with special thanks goping to those members of the team who devoted long hours to the success of this month long event!

Special thanks went out to LSS, MauveCAt, Pixidring, Loves_wolves and Cheercoach for their contribution of the many special creations made for this event.

I personally want to thank the Inner Realms team for allowing me to cover most of thier events as I had time to do them! On a parting note, I did not know that Playingby was a guy, nicks are too hard to determine gender, and I assume he was a she cause he played Vanna! Later, I was informed that he had his own blonde wigs, dresses and high heels! Now tell me Play how hard is it to walk in high heels? Thus concludes the wrapup of Inner Realms Colony of the Month Activities

festivities and personally I can hardly wait to see what they come up with next year to top this successful run. Again thanks goes to all the colonies who donated time, events and people to make this a wonderful experience for all to attend! MY RATING? Why it's:

Best I have seen in years!
If you want to read my earlier reviews, you are going to have to click once more...


If I have omitted anyone or did not insult anyone with my remarks I apologize! I'll try to do better next time!LOL

Our Guidelines
First some basics and house cleaning. Does it matter? Well it could! LOL Sanctioning by a critic such as myself- and I am hard to impress - is a good thing! So consider yourselves lucky to be mentioned in my columns! (LOL OOPs did I offend anyone in that above statement, let me offer in my defense a disclaimer as follows: "If you present a good activity then you will get a good rating. The who or where you are does not matter! Just give us some clean, healthy, and fun events. After all, the future of CT lies within you and your activities! We all ARE Cybertown. If you have questions that need to be answered or even having someone offer a different perspective, inbox me at my house. I promise to answer all inboxes!

So if you want me to cover your events, or to give you some long sought after advice, then inbox me. Remember all inboxes to me are subject to being printed (and even edited) along with my humorous or -now and then- serious commentary and suggestions.

Cautionary note: Please remember we are a family site. We exist for the sole purpose of family fun only! Any education, training or serious discussion or personal friendship creation is purely intentioal. And given the state of Virtual (or any other) Reality, of course my answers will be sent to the editor before publishing so I am sure we will be safe! (*haunted look at jdb_educator*) That's it for now dear readers, and this, as they say, is:

"The Rest of the Story!"