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Dusty Interviews Cybertown's Mayor!
July 2095( 2007 for Earthsiders)
by dusttodust, CVN


CVN Managing Editor jdb_educator: Interviews take a lot of work and time to read, respond, think, type, edit, html and post. Our Cybertown Virtual News Policy is to give the interviewee an oppotunity to add or delete from what has been gathered. Dusty has done a nice job here and Stone98 was forthcoming in his responses. We feel this is a well done interview in all phases.

When asked about possible additions, and deletions, stone98 asked for no deletions or changes. He requested that we place the following at the end of the interview. However we feel it is too important to be a simple afterthought or addendum, so we are highlighting it and placing it first:

Stone_98 says: For those who would like to see Cybertown continue to thrive, there are many things you can do. If you have ideas for promotion or advertising of Cybertown, feel free to contact me (My contact information can be found in "My Information" located in my home). If you know of companies that may be approached about supporting Cybertown or advertising here, Jason_RC is the head of the Sponsor group and is the best contact. If you want to promote Cybertown yourself, take advantage of the many web-rings and links available to promote us (Poster Link and ). Lastly, the simple, single thing that will keep Cybertown the best chat site is what you can do on a daily basis.

Whenever you see a visitor, welcome them and encourage them to see why CT is so special by taking the trial membership ( ). When you see a new member, take the time to show them how to do the basics such as getting in to 3D, opening backpacks and getting into and around their home. If you’re a Cybertown employer, hire the new residents. Get them involved in the blocks, hoods, colonies and places. We are getting more and more visitors and more new residents but it is only when we involve them in town that they will keep coming back.


Dusttodust, CVN says: What's it like being Mayor of CT?
Stone_98 says: heh, you start with the easy ones...It isn't really what I think a lot of people think it is. The Mayor's job is to act as a traffic coordinator, trying to make sure things are flowing through the council as they should. The Mayor is not a voting member of council, unless there is a tie. So I lost that option when I went from CL to Mayor. It is a great experience, mostly because the people I work with are great and are dedicated to Cybertown.
Dusty, CVN says: ( okay question 2, Did you ever think that one day you would ever hold this position?
Stone_98 says: ROFL, no. When I first came to Cybertown, my first job was as BD in Astral Plains where Vialle had her home. She was CL at the time and I remember going through the block to do my last access report for the BL. Her home was locked to company and I was sure I was going to be banned for trying to get in, lol. Plus, when you look at who has been Mayor in the past, it is hard to believe that someone thought I could do the job after seeing how well it has been done in the past.
Dusttodust, CVN says: More citizens than I, would like the answer to this next one! lol Briefly explain one working day in the life of a CT mayor!
Stone_98 says: okay, not sure just how to do that...

let's see. The biggest factor is usually the e-mail. On average, the city council will run from 20-40 messages a day. Then there are 16 other groups I'm involved with for Cybertown. None nearly as prolific as the Council though, thank heavens.

I check e-mail almost constantly and try to respond to it as soon as I can, if appropriate. A lot of the groups I just try to keep up with what is going on, just in case it comes to council for any reason.

For the council itself, again, I just try to make sure that discussions are staying on track and moving along so we can get to the questions we need dealt with.

Trying to anyway, lol.

I also try to be available as much as I can in messengers and, of course, in town. My contact information is listed in my home Information and I will almost always have the messengers up if I can be near the computer.

I think that it is important to be available to hear what is going on and to try to give whatever help I can as quickly as it can be given.

When I log into town each day, I check inboxes, Feedback boards, City Council message board, and will try to hit several of the colony message boards. I try to drop in to chat as often as I can but somedays I don't get the chance. Working from home gives me a lot of flexibility but not always the free time I'd like.

I think I covered most of it, lol

Dusttodust, CVN says: Now this next one is sort of a questionable question lol! But consider it, sort of, as a public relations question! Rofl Do you have a good rapport with the City Council?
Stone_98 says: heh, I think so, they haven't stormed the city hall ...yet, at least. One thing that does impresse me about the council is that for a group of people with their own, often opposing, viewpoints, the level of cooperation and consideration they give each other is fantastic. It makes things very easy when we all work together. Any time you have different goals, we can see there is room for conflict but this group is great at adjusting to make sure everyone's views are considered and the best solution usually results.
Dusttodust, CVN says: What changes would you like to see implemented in CT, if any?
Stone_98 says: Obviously, the best thing would be to see a way to increase immigration and the retention of trial members. I know this is something that many people would like. And I know there are many different ways to do it. The key is to come up with a solution that will work and that IVN will support. That is for the 'global' retention. However, on an individual basis, we can get that retention up by doing what we can to 'hook' people on CT, just as we all became hooked. Involving new immigrants in jobs, chats and activiites will let them see the truly valuable thing about Cybertown, which is the people. Improvements in the structure are always possible and do help, but we all know that the real key to enjoying Cybertown is the people that are here.
Dusttodust, CVN says: What is your astrological sign? lol
Stone_98 says: heh, Libra, phew, finally an easy one
Dusttodust, CVN says: Well ya gotta have a break now and then lol. Only a couple of more questions to go. Libra is the justice symbol so I can you see getting along with most lol !
Dusttodust, CVN says: Some say CT is failing, what is your take on this and how would you attempt to correct it?
Stone_98 says: I strongly disagree. Cybertown has fewer people than it had in the past but that is also turning around. The number of visitors is going up and from what I've seen, the number of people online at any one time is also going up. Just checking the numbers of people online has shown an increase of 25-30% at various times of the day. (This is only from what I can see by checking the numbers over time. I don't have the hard numbers that IVN would have but I think it is supported.)

One big change that has happened is that people don't have 20 alts logging in at the same time. I used to have multiple alts and now I've let most of those go. We always used to joke that there were really about 12 people in town but they all had about 50 nicks, so it looked like 600 people logging in, heh heh.
Dusttodust, CVN says: lol, agreed.
Stone_98 says: Lastly, while we may not have the quantity we used to have, we still have the quality, and it always comes down to that, the people are the thing that will make Cybertown continue.
Dusttodust, CVN says: Okay here is another easy one! Are you married in CT and to whom?
Stone_98 says: I am married in RL to Megan-Cho. We met in Cybertown, which is one of the reasons I am a strong advocate of our home there. We never did get CT-married, figuring doing it in RL was a better bet, lol.
Dusttodust, CVN says: How is she with you being mayor here?
Stone_98 says: Very supportive and understanding. It can be difficult when something is going on and I can't talk to her about it. She understands the rules about things like that and doesn't hit me or anything when I won't let her in on it, lol. But she is also supportive and understanding about the time I spend in e-mail and meetings for Cybertown because she also feels about it much as I do, because this is where we met.
Dusttodust, CVN says: And finally something I am working on myself as I, too, am a builder here. I have personally submitted ads to two local tv stations and two local radio stations having them come look at us! As they are still looking I cannot at this moment give you the call letters but soon!
Dusttodust, CVN says: Do you have any thoughts on increasing population here such as radio and tv ads, or invitations for more more companies to possibly support us?
Stone_98 says: It is the chicken and the egg problem. Promotion will bring more people in, but the companies that would do the promotion want to see a large number of people who will see their promotion. Public Relations: letting the radio stations know of us and inviting them to check us out are valuable tools. Ideally we will get a mix of PR, promotion and other support that will continue to build Cybertown. And because of that, we will be able to attract even more promotion and even more people.

Any promotion we can get is good and the residents often have the contacts that can make things like that happen.
Dusttodust, CVN says: Now that was not so bad was it? To be interviewed by the infamous Dusttodust? LOL This interview will be sent to JDB before printing it for his approval. True I do not ask the normal questions but nothing to be afraid of ! LOL Last question coming up:
Stone_98 says: heh, ok.
Dusttodust, CVN says: What is your favorite Ice Cream and do you an your wife share the same tastes? lol
Stone_98 says: heh, Chocolate (Actually Edy's Double fudge brownie) and yes and no on the tastes...we like similar things but enough different that we keep each other on our toes and trying new things.
Dusttodust, CVN says: okay Mr Mayor I thank you for taking the time out of you busy schedule to sit down and chat with me.
Dusttodust, CVN says: I have always admired you here so don't let it go to your head! lol
Stone_98 says: Thanks for the time you put in too, Dust, and for your patience in trying to catch me
Dusttodust, CVN says: Again, thank you!
Stone_98 says: Thanks and feel free to fix typos, lol ttyl, Dust
Dusttodust, CVN says: I will. See ya soon at Sundays title awards where I hope to attain the title of Sage.
Stone_98 says: k, have to run to the Post office now, see you later.
Dusttodust, CVN says: take care

I hope this interview will enlighten most of you as to what it takes to hold down the mayoral position in CT!
More coming later !

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