Tales of the Boo
A children's series under
Dedicated to our grandson

by jdb_educator

A Bad Day

     Boo slumped slowly through the forest trail. He was a rather sad bear today. Today was his birthday and nobody had said a single word to him. Now it was already almost lunchtime! Boo was certainly feeling lonely. Nobody loved him he was absolutely positively, and maybe, even... sure!

The forest was alive and full of happy birds and eager, busy little animals/ There were the excited middle sized animals and the barely tolerant big beasts too... But, the Boo could smell the homey forest odors of the fall leaves, nuts and flowers. The sounds and smells all just made him even more so very sad and lonely that he crawled off into some bushes and quietly cried. As he lay there his tears slid down his muzzle and watered a pretty little dandelion just beneath his nose…

At home, his mother was getting concerned. Boo did not ever come home late! Especially when it was time to eat, he was always early! He loved to sniff and snuff up the odors of any meal, along with all the food he could get!. And, if the truth were to be admitted, he usually tried to sneak a few extra bites, if Mom could be distracted. But… the Boo was not at home. Lunch was on the table! Where was Boo?

Boo's tummy told him he was late for lunch, but for the very first time in his short life, he just did not care! Poor, poor Boo. It seemed that nobody cared that today was his birthday. Boo rose stiffly and slowly from the bushes and very slowly headed home. He knew Mom would be worrying. Even though nobody cared for him, he still cared for everybody. It was truly the only reason he was headed home.

As he approached his deep forest cave in Bubbly Bear Glen, all the good times of rolling in the meadow came to his mind. Right there, at the opening of the cave, Boo sat down and began to cry again. His mother heard him. Feeling first relief, then concern, she quickly came out and stood over him, looking down. Boo looked up and stopped crying. With a tear in her eye, she asked Boo, "What's wrong my little honey bunny bear?" Sad little Boo continued to look up sadly, tears rolling off of his muzzle. "Nobody has told me Happy Birthday, today!
"Oh!" Started a shocked Mother Bear. "My Darling Boo, your birthday isn't until tomorrow!

The End