Self-Run Module

Congratulations! You must have done something fabulous! As a Reward for your participation You may choose the number of companions you NOW have from this list!

Name: fruaud ava deloo
Race: male
Sex: undetermined until you state it
Age: 60
Eyes: black
Hair: long gold
en Height: 6' 4"
Weight 190 lbs
Marital Status: unknown
Description: This tall blond man looks elvish, but is clearly human
Scars: none visible
The Details for these next sections will be brought out over the next three sections of this module. You may add to the list helping to create this individual:
Education: very educated
Training: will become clear
Job History 'to be described
Weapons: several knives
Habits: always scanning the outside
Hobbies: always picking up something and talking about it
Interests: ????
Banking: unknown
Investments: unknown

Name: Ardyth von Furm Race: undetermined
Sex: you choose
Age: 28
Eyes: sky blue
Hair: black
Height: 4' 10"
Weight 220 lbs
Marital Status: married to Agry von Furm( you may createhis/ her character or "get rid" of him or her. Description: This short, stout, thick muscled individual appears to be dwarvish. Is (s)he or isn't (s)he. Scars: a long scar from the right eyebrow crossing under the chin to the left side of the neck. The question is how fatal that scar looks.
************************ Education: minimal
Training long history as apprentice magic user and thief.
Job History "to be created by you!
Habits: forthright, honest, reliable, short fuse temper
Weapons: carries a short handled single blade axe. The weapon is 37" long.
Hobbies: gambling on anything, a temper that flares.
Interests: ????
********************************* Banking: appears to have lots of money
Investments: always talking about different possibilities 3 of five are wild, ridiculous ventures. But two of them hold promise that could change your game.
Properties: owns three.

Name: Irri na Durg
Race: human
Sex: female
Age: 25
Eyes: green
Hair: shaggy brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight 120
Marital Status: single, can act like a lady, a tyrant or a seductress Description: handsome solid human, sun burnt skin, muscular, friendly, appears open, harbours a deep secret.
Scars: none
Weapons: a Turkish curved scimitar
Education: apprenticed at 6 to:
Baker-2 years sold to
Hostler-3 years sold to
Armory-6 years
Became a journeyman at 18 and has been improving on the design of swords.

Training: apprenticeships, has recently bought a tutor (Zinth) who may be used as an additional character, but you will have to decide that description!.
Job History Became a journeyman armorerfor 5 years, then went into business making and selling weapons. Is retired at 25. The business is managed by close friends. An adventurer and you have caught her interest.
Habits: brash, interrupts, has to be put in a position of accepting your authority, or you will have to accept his!
Hobbies: weapons, history and business
Interests: traveling, making money, making war
Banking: wealthy: hidden, has available when he wants, often in surprising situations
Properties: unknown

Name: Seera na Hadjurn
Race: human
Sex: female
Age: 30
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Hair: Auburn, down to the waist
Height: 5' 5"
Weight 100 lbs, athletic Marital Status: single female
Description: rosebud mouth, stubborn chin, well tanned, muscled body, yet very feminine.
Scars: none
Education: tutors (develop it or don't)
Training weapons master
Job History 'training troops as an independent trainer
Weapon. Any. Can kill hand-to-hand or with normal daily objects at hand. "but she is just so darned cute" it is hard to believe.
Habits: plays with hair, pencils, objects; tends to be nervous, jumpy Deadly in a fight.
Hobbies: poisons, weaponry, playing jokes on people
Interests: reading, training others, working, exploring. A non drinker, non smoker.
Banking: Unknown
Investments: unknown
Has a secret. Email or Inbox the names of your choices to me for inclusion.