Dear Dusty

Dear Dusty.....
by dusttodust, CVN Columnist

This column is censored, edited and generally picked over and at by our... editor, jdb. In order to KEEP my job, send questions to my inbox! Please keep them courteous. For any slanderous, vicious, mean, vile or evil remarks please just call me!!!!!!!!!)

Keep in mind our bottom line: Let's have fun. If you think your questions need permission from whomsoever you may be writing in, on, about, or are just picking on, teasing, or merely want to kill, hurt, maim, or even... heavens forbid... please, then get permission, before writing.! We will blithely assume you did!

Okay now for the logical logistics of life. Not many of our readers are asking questions on this, so I leave it up to your imagination and to that of our editor to see if he...or you can figure out which one(s) are real and which one(s)are fictional! Come on, JDB I know you can do it! Rofl Send your guess(one per e-mail addy) to or inbox me at while you are in Cybertown. OK? And title your message "my Guess". CVN is kicking out 20k for the FIRST right answer! Contest ends July 31st, 2095 (That's 2007 for earthling groundhogs.)

Dear Dust:
I would really like your opinion on this. Does one improve one's mind by doing crosswords, jigsaws, and other kinds of games, or are they nothing more than excercises in relaxation and merely pastimes?

Dear Looking For Answers (in all the wrong places?):
I think that the kinds of games mentioned, rank far closer to entertainment than to enlightening one's mind. With crosswords for the more literate, jigsaws for the more skillful - which, of course, leaves me out! Most of life is one big jigsaw piuzzle and just trying to figure out what my editor will approve is even more worrisome!

But who cares, I ask you? I personally find I don't have to spend every waking moment improving my mind! Life is too short to worry about becoming more perfect than I already am! LOL So don't worry, be happy and go ye forth and play!

Dear Dusty:
Do you think something is really free if you have to buy an item? For example: "Buy one and get one free!"?.

Dear Free:
If the item is nearly always sold for its regular price, and there's a "buy one get one free" offer for it, I do think that item is "free". They aren't just offering free items now, are they? But if that item is often on sale as a "buy one/get one free" offer then I would consider that it is possible the normal price is slightly inflated in order to take hidden advantages of the buyer and thus taking an unsporting advantage of the customer but that "advantage" may also be used to cover their taxes on the "free" item! Such things generally happen to introduce producrts or draw customers. Restaurants frequently offer "buy one meal, get one free". If you need, want, or like the product, it is a way to save money.

Dear Dusty:
Some people say that CT is failing! If this is so, then should we continue to support it?

Dear Doubtful:
I personally do not think CT is failing but for a better answer to your question, I would strongly suggest you read my interview with the Mayor, Stone_99, to get a better picture of what is really going on. If you are basing your judgement on the activity level in your colony or hood levels, then inbox the CL(Colony Leader) or your hood NL (Neighborhood Leader) and find out specifically what you can do to contribute to the growth of CT!

JDB is even doing some crazy contest on the Town Politics board. Sometimes it is just a matter of getting involved in your hood and colony's activity in order for it to grow! Still I DO strongly recommend you read my latest interview with our Mayor. (is anybody reading me, jdb???!!!)

Also try the Feedback board on the Jumpgate and click on Town Politics for a LOT more opinions on this!

Okay folks that's my column for this week! I am hopeful that it has answered some you who are to shy to inbox me or email me! My email by the way is Just in case you want a little more privacy. Until next week, keep your head up, breathe deeply and try to smell the roses! *sound of sneezing*