CVN Publications
Collected Virtual News ~~ News, Creative fun and Resources

Welcome to The jdb's Readers FeedBack Page

for stories for children

Our several publications are full of creativity, exploration, resources, and just having fun . We greatly appreciate hearing from our readers.

You Can Contact Us

OTHER WAYS TO CONTACT US: Leave a Facebook message for John D. Boyden or email him at )
Please include any nickname (or your real name) you want to use and please state Reader as your subject! Thank you in advance.

You can also just type in your comments in our new form service above!

We Are Recruiting!

We need: Readers, Writers, Graphic Artists, Tech specialists, and Collaborators!

We are currently looking for all the free help we can get. Over the years, we have discovered and helped a lot of talented people who never thought they could write, edit, critique or have the fun of producing web stories people would read. We offer free training and publishing opportunities.

We have always recruited. and always will. Unpaid jobs are ALWAYS available.

There is the possibility that you or we will come up with a project idea that will pay, and to participants in such a project would bring pay! So bring your dreams and let's chat!

See our "You Can Contact us" section for ways to get in touch. The section is located at the very top in the left column. Once you contact us, we also have Skype and a phone # for possible follow up.