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Our Publications are full of creativity, exploration, resources, and having fun . Today is Saturday, January 18, 2014

Current Editorials

2014 Editorials

A Little Rant
by Lisa Powell, Editorialist

A little venting...Let me set the stage. Every December to April (give or take a week or two) for the last 24 years, I sign up for unemployment. Same company, nothing's changed on my end, just getting older, weaker and.. well you know...

  • On December 21, 2013 I received my last unemployment check.
  • I had to sign up for a new claim, DONE.
  • I get a letter saying DENIED a week later.
  • I have to get my income to prove I was working, DONE.
  • I have to fax all this information to Grand Rapids, DONE.
  • I had to wait until Jan 15th to call in, DONE.
They say, Your employer does not exist. WHAT??

Mind you they had changed over all their systems and did complete upgrades in August 2013 and I have received the two checks in December without a problem. So I drag the husband out to Saginaw to go to the unemployment office. Guess what! They moved. So I had to find where they moved to. DONE. Got there Holy ****!!! I take a a ticket: #105 with more than a few people in front of me waiting! Six hours. Yes six hours I was there. Finally got called in. I felt so bad for those people that had to help us. I can just imagine what they had gone through. Anyway the lady was really nice. She took all my info. I showed her my check stubs, all the proof needed that I was working.

"Hmmm, your employer doesn't exist. Are they new?" She asked. "No, they've been around for 150 years." I said. So she retypes the name nothing. She double checks the spelling, it's correct. We sit there. She says "let me try something." She types the company name in Backwards and it worked! What the hell?? Anyway I'm all set, right? Ready YAAA!!!

Nooooooooooooooo. Next we discovered my SS# is wrong somewhere in the system and they have to find out where to correct it. Now it will be another 10 days before I hear anything..URRRRRRRRRRRRR....

At least they haven't declared me dead! Yet. Stay tuned.

2013 Editorials

Illegal Immigrants
by David Doran, Editorialist

(from Facebook) - Texan Senator Ted Cruz seeks to permanently block all illegal aliens from welfare.

There are approximately 12 million illegal immigrants in the USA according to gov't figures. If only 20% of these immigrants are receiving welfare, and then are suddenly cut off, that means the US has instantly created 2.5 million criminals and homeless people who will now have to rob, steal, and murder to get the funds they so desperately need to survive. American penal facilities, which, per capita, already contain more of the country's own citizens than any other country in the world, by a huge margin, are filled to overflowing.

The USA's food production is drastically reduced as the overwhelming majority of manual crop harvesting is performed by these illegal aliens because USA citizens are unwilling to perform such menial tasks themselves. Food shortages create additional criminals who must now steal food to feed their families. Farmers, food processing plants, and transportation facilities go bankrupt creating hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans. The jobless rate snowballs and the already fragile American economy collapses creating a Depression far worse than any other experienced in the past.

The cost of deporting each and every illegal alien amounts to approximately $375,000,000,000 at about $150 per person (conservative estimate). Many of these illegal immigrants fled from countries ravaged by war and could face harsh punishment, including death, if returned to their home countries.

Now, $375 billion is a LOT of money, and could be used to create jobs, stimulating the economy and giving the vast majority of these "illegal aliens" a chance to get off welfare and become productive, and "legal" USA citizens. Sound too simple? It is ... but it can only happen if US politicians were to admit they screwed up over the years and created this problem in the first place due to lack of judgment, corruption, and just plain bad management of resources.

Oh, and Ted Cruz, Senator of Texas? He has investments in companies and corporations that knowingly employ illegal aliens. He belonged to the minority of 22 senators who voted against the Violence Against Women Act. He also voted against suspending the debt ceiling for three months and against aid to victims of Hurricane Sandy. Just because he has a "meme" on Facebook doesn't mean he is right ... or even a nice person :) .

Dave’s Rant Of The Week – Saggy Pants
by Dave Doran, Editorialist
Everyone hates to see kids walking around with saggy pants, however, as much as I hate to say it, I would rather see these kids walking around with sagging pants than strolling down a city street wearing just a pair of Speedos. ..... which would be entirely legal.

Does it look stupid? Yes, definitely! These kids prolly have IQ's no higher than their shoe size, but we can't start dictating what a person cannot wear as long as it doesn't violate any common decency rules or regulations. What if a buncha people "decided" that you couldn't walk down a street without having your shirt tucked in, couldn’t wear sneakers in WalMart or couldn't wear a striped tie on Tuesdays ..... you get the idea!

It's a fashion statement and like all fashion statements it will pass. Bringing attention to it however just makes the kids more rebellious and more likely to continue this ridiculous fad. Also, in advertising it, it brings it to the attention of MORE kids who will now think it is cool to wear their jeans around their thighs.

That being said, hehe, I say if they DO ban them then they should be fined, and the fine should be that they be required to wear a pair of pink day-glo suspenders to hold their pants up whenever they are in public for a period of 30 days

Until next week, Happy Holidays!

Contrived Controversy?
John D, Boyden, Editor
I first reacted to this series of stories on Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson as though it was just as presented. My better half (maybe three quarters) suggested to me that the interviewer, Drew Magary, knew full well what he was doing. She believes the story was designed to create a controversy. I reread it, and I do believe she may be wrong. The viewpoint just came out during their discussions. The story seems honest and it was well presented. Several of the critical comments I've read show they did not read the article carefully or perhaps at all.

Here is Phil's comment:
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

I considered it about freedom of thought, expression, or possibly a an example of bigotry or prejudice. I affirm Phil's right to say and believe what he chooses. I also affirm his critics right to criticise the viewpoint. BUT telling anyone that cannot say it or believe a different viewpoint? That is our treasured freedom of speech, absent in too many places in our world.

These days we see lots of these efforts at trolling for reaction, everywhere on the web. It is in the actions of calling on others to cause trouble, to act on beliefs in harmful ways to others where no one should go. I would draw the line at urging harmful actions and the actual harming of others. Yet that is exactly what we do too often as humans when the beliefs expressed are contrary to our own.

The far right screams, the far left screams and we get targets cheerfully painted on opponents on both sides. Target them with words, and political correctness jumps in screaming you can't say that! Of course you can. There are people who behave as the Nazis did, who believe as they did. As a statement of personal belief why can't they say it? I won't toss in the other "hot button" words, I'm sure you have a few you think or say. Some of the shame in this incident may belong to GQ for showing the controversy and to A&E for reacting to it as they did, but it depends on the actual reasons. Truly more shame belongs to the knee jerk reactions of the critics. Still, they also have a right to their opinions. Bit I've got to wonder, do they know what "morph" means? Heck, Phil didn't even touch on polygamy, polyandry, group marriage or even gay marriage! All of those fit in with his comment to as possible morphs from sexual behavior not condoned by the bible (new testament)

I found this explanation for the suspension:
A&E’s top executive carefully considered whether to suspend “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson over his anti-gay remarks, and ultimately decided his comparison of homosexuality to “bestiality” was over-the-line, a network executive told TheWrap (http://www.thewrap.com/duck-dynasty-inside-decision-suspend-phil-robertson-exclusive/).
I personally don't think that executive knows what the word "morph" means. And I suspect neither did the A&E employees, subscribers, and advertisers who complained. Perhaps they just saw (or heard) the use of "beastiality" next to the first sentence.

I gathered several stories on Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, read them if you are interested.

Here is the interview many people are discussing. Good article. I commend it to you : http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson?printable=true

Yahoo: Latest View: http://tv.yahoo.com/news/duck-dynasty-fallout-glaad-reeling-biggest-backlash-years-010050637.html
CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/20/showbiz/duck-dynasty-suspension/index.html?hpt=hp_c2
ABC: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/entertainment/2013/12/duck-dynasty-family-calls-shows-future-into-question-over-homosexual-comment-controversy/
NBC: http://www.today.com/video/today/53880639/
CBS: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/family-says-duck-dynasty-future-is-in-doubt-without-phil-robertson/

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WAYS TO CONTACT: Leave a Facebook message for John D. Boyden (look for my picture, probably under John Boyden), use our feedback page, or email me -the author- at jdb_educator@msn.com( jdb_educator@msn.com )
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Our Editorial Staff

David Doran, Editorialist
Lisa Powell, Editorialist
John D. Boyden, Editor

Old Editorials
