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Welcome to jdb's RANT.

Our Publications are full of creativity, exploration, resources, and having fun . Today is Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Whopper Update

Pure Personal Opinion
by jdb, the editor

Few will read what I put here. Even less will care. I am angry. My passions are as strong as the lady who was pulled off of the floor. In God We Trust. Not politicians. Our democracy still stands despite them. We will find out over the next three months how well it stands. IF the elected officials do their job, there will be no more manufactured crises. For me, I will continue to work within the political structure we have. If you really want to see my rant it is here. It is fueled by rage and wayyyyyy overboard.

That, unfortunately, is the power of strong emotion. I'll be more reasonable later! And yes, we do have to trust our political leaders, but more carefully than ever before.

Yesterday I reported that the US would avoid default and pass a clean CR to stop the shutdown.

I totally expected a continued shutdown and default on the debt. I watched the votes, listened to the speeches, and was appalled that 144 representatives and 18 senators voted to keep the government shutdown. They can claim whatever the want, and will. Truth is a lie and lies are the truth to them. They will not tell the truth if it smacks them in the face. Only by creating fear do they have power and position. Only by creating fear have they fought to keep us mired in a political ideology that does not help America.

Here is a text representation of what they have accomplished by encouraging inaccuracy, lies, and distorted truths: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/10/17/stenographer-snaps-rants-on-house-floor/?hpt=hp_t2

They can say she snapped, but the feelings have been created and nurtured by those in positions of influence and are found all around the country. What can we do when people in positions of trust and authority pass lies and misinformation around ? We end up with rape is not so bad. Women should not have choices. The poor are the cause of their poverty. We should depend on the rich to paternally take care of us. It is all our fault. Those who steal from Social Security funds, those who send jobs over seas, those who scam investors and take hope from our workers, and those who pillage in corporate takeovers are blameless.

It is clear these politicians do not care about the American people. They only want what has been demanded repeatedly regardless of law, regardless of what the American people want, regardless of what the people need. These 162 individuals and who they represent, are willing to destroy America. Pay close attention. Arrogance is still the rule in Washington. And not only in Washington. The world seems drunk on alcohol, money, influence peddling, and power.

Of course we were wrong in every other aspect of our make believe report. The world is loading up complaints about the US and what happened. and Ted Cruz is far from apologizing.

Our Original Whopper

You won't find this one at Burger King. Here is OUR Whopper:
CVN reports -in their make believe news section- that the US will miraculously avoid default at midnight tonight. At 9 PM The house of representatives pass a clean CR and double the long term debt limit sending both bills to the Senate which passes them at 10 PM. The President signs both bills into law at 11 PM EST averting the midnight debt default and re-opening the US government. The world celebrates by going back to sleep.

Ted Cruz regained his credibility by admitting "We've been wrong to hold the US hostage to achieve our political goals. It was the water here in Washington that caused the mystical belief that we could do whatever we wanted." Others report he said alcohol, money, or power instead of water.

In other news North Korea Frees all political prisoners, Al Qaeda buys the Washington Capitol building , China sells its interests in the US to Surinam for $1. and Cinderella marries the Prince at the Ball.
Editor jdb was reported as saying "That was a great cup of coffee this morning!"

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