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Welcome to CVN Weekly's Tour of Starhenge at

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July 24, 2013 Volume 15 issue 16: #295

Welcome to our Starhenge Tour

There are a few very cool worlds here. There are also great areas for development. Our screenies are merely links you may explore at your leisure. They are listed under the hemispheres menu at the bottom. Hemispheres having two images reflecting the 2D view, followed by the 3D view. Most hoods or hemispheres in 3Dplanets merely use the plaza. There are some fabulous 3D worlds too.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome...
You have entered Planet Starhenge. No images used reach 300kb (268-298 is the range.)
HEMISPHERES ON PLANET Starhenge: The Circle, The Wardrobe, Mythion, Asteroid Belt, Hogwarts, Middle Earth.

The Mythos:

Nobody is sure when Starhenge was first settled, it depends on who, or what, you ask. Here the laws of science seem to have gone awry, magic is not only commonplace but a way of life

Every man, woman, child, and even plant and animal life possess varying degrees of magical ability. Little is known about where this ability originates, though if anything is removed from the planets surface all magical powers vanish so Starhenge itself is suspect.

One concept that is shared by all is the utter loathing for modern technology, electricity, gunpowder, or any modern convenience do not exist here, nor can they, for the magical effects of this Planet render them inert and harmless.
Planet Leader - Heather
Planet Deputy(s) - none


Planet Starhenge

The generic Plaza:

The Circle Hemisphere

The Circle uses the plaza image.

The Wardrobe Hemisphere

Mythion Hemisphere

Mythion uses the plaza image.

Hogwarts Hemisphere

Middle Earth Hemisphere

Middle Earth has no plaza at present