3DP Sentinel News
Collected Virtual News ~~ News, Creative fun and Resources

Welcome to CVN's 3DPlanets "Sentinel Weekly"

Our several publications are full of creativity, exploration, resources, and just having fun.
October 11, 2013 Volume 1 issue: #14
Click banner to go to 3DPlanets.com. It won't work until 3DP returns, but should get you to the alt site!

Sentinel Weekly News

Latest News from This Week

Deighv tells us "The latest news on 3DP is that Toxic is having the server shipped to him from Virginia to Florida so hopefully 3DP will be back up soon. I will keep everyone updated as soon as I get any new info.

We had a MAJOR donation of $500 given to 3DP by Cheyla! I can’t begin to express our gratitude for such a generous amount, I hadda check the account 3 times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, hehe! HUMONGOUS THANKS Cheyla! After PayPal fees and currency conversion the amount totaled about $450. $100 was used to renew the webspace for another year where 3dpNet, 3DP media/storage files and member file storage is located. $50 was earmarked towards getting our own online radio station and the remainder was split three ways between myself (Founder), Toxic (Founder) and Dancerbabe (Co-Founder) to help with hardware and software upgrades. Dancerbabe donated her portion back to 3DP, was REAL nice of her, so we have almost $200 in the 3DP account now including monies left over from our fund-raiser a couple years back.

In the past week we suffered a major online crash at 3dpNet and it is now in the process of being re-built. Most of the content was recovered but members will have to rejoin and create new Profiles. I’ve made quite a bit of progress working on 3dpNet over the past 4 days and we “should” be pretty much back to normal within a week or so. A few of the new changes are: Profiles have been beefed-up, the interface has been remodeled and the default screen-size has been increased to 1280, up from the old 1024 standard. More changes and updates will be added soon.

We have TWO new movies on the ePod! The new movies are “Pacific Rim” and the other, by special request, is “The Conjuring”. The viewing quality of the latest few movies should be somewhat better as I am now converting them at a 25% greater resolution, approximately the equivalent of an 480p HD movie. This means you need a minimum 1.5 mbps download speed. If you have ANY problems streaming or viewing the movies PLEASE let me know! You can find the ePod on the main MENU in 3dpNet. Open the ePod link and you will see options to directly open the eRadio and eCinema.

CONTACT: deighv@live.ca

New Recipe Page
No New Recipes

Lilly03, a FB friend, has a lovely recipe that she tells us just won't work without the right ingredients! It is in French and English. The link is on the recipe page. So are Dave's Chocoffee and Chicken Marbella. We already have "Dave's EZ Pilaf" and Slumgullion Stew today! Of course "Dave's Po’ Man McRib" ,"Dave's Ugly Soup", "Dave's EZ Fudge", and Medeusa's "Untomato". Today Medeusa has her own recipe page!: Medeusa's Recipes


Conquering The Mall

by Kyra Meow, Sentinel Reporter
This is me, your favorite Galaxy Mall Super Extra Chief (I've already forgotten the exact title so i am making this one up. I don't know, it sorta has a ring to it, don't you think? )

I started 3D in 3DP. When I arrived, nobody was creating and we were living on whatever the old extinct creators left in place.

So I decide to start creating, i downloaded dozens of program trying to see which one was the easiest. I had the pleasure of bugging deighv to no end when I finally got vivaty. That was a program that worked (kind of). I bugged deighv some more, especially on re-sizing my table. Originally it was the size of the empire state building and then my fountain was the size of a microbe. At the time the mall chief was overwhelmed with rl problems, so deighv had to do the checking and I was an eager beaver. So, naturally, I kept on jumping around him asking, "did you check?" a lot!

Sadly, and of course, with my item sizing problems, my items were rejected many times before they finally passed inspection. But I managed and I started making a bunch of items. You may be asking yourself where are they?

Well ... 3dp crashed and all was lost. And, then, my computer crashed and what are still in my shop is all that is left. I have time to remake a bunch! Of course, I'll never catch up to medeusa lol

Anyway, back to my story ... so my impatience got the better of me and I finally proposed to apply at the mall as an assistant. I don't remember how long it took, but pretty soon I was the big boss of the galaxy mall and that, my friends, is how I got the job!

Amazing TV Find

by Medeusa, Sentinel Reporter
http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/106-doctor-who-episodes-uncovered-2343474 106 Doctor Who episodes uncovered in Ethiopia featuring William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton ... the first two doctors.

New Recipe Page
No New Recipes

Lilly03, a FB friend, has a lovely recipe that she tells us just won't work without the right ingredients! It is in French and English. The link is on the recipe page. So are Dave's Chocoffee and Chicken Marbella. We already have "Dave's EZ Pilaf" and Slumgullion Stew today! Of course "Dave's Po’ Man McRib" ,"Dave's Ugly Soup", "Dave's EZ Fudge", and Medeusa's "Untomato". Today Medeusa has her own recipe page!: Medeusa's Recipes


Oh CRAP! Crap crap crap crap CRAP!

Daeighv posted a bit on the 3DP Facebook page earlier this week, allll is better now!

The 3dpNet website has been toasted during a scheduled update and I may have to re-create it again from scratch, meaning everyone will have to rejoin I'll keep everyone posted with any news.

Deighv posted "Good News! I managed to salvage all the custom pages and folders I had created for 3dpNet so it's just a matter of recreating them on the new site, whew! Now all I need are a few 32 hr days and a tanker of coffee to get most everything back in order, hehe Unfortunately everyone will still have to rejoin and create new accounts but that part is easy!"

Movie Review

by jdb_educator: "After Earth"- PG13 - 1hr 40min - I've been wanting to see this movie. Wednesday I did. I found it a very nice coming of age movie with lots of interesting cgi and great locations. I enjoyed it and wanted more, but that's the way it s with movies I like.

New Movies on the ePod!

"Avatar: SCE (Special Collectors Edition)"- PG13 - 2hr 58min
"After Earth"- PG13 - 1hr 40min
"Now You See Me" - PG13 - Crime/Mystery/Thriller - 1hr 55mins
An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.


by jdb_educator
They do change their featured jokes. Take a look.




by jdb_educator
These comics change daily. Take a look, comic fans:
Good old classic newspaper comics: http://news.yahoo.com/comics/

Editorial Cartoons and more: http://www.gocomics.com/

Latest News from Last Week

Deighv tells us "No new news on 3DP, as far as I know Toxic should have it back up some time within the next two weeks." "I have just added 8 more 3D worlds to the 3D Chat menu in 3dpNet. The new movie "After Earth" is loaded on the ePod. "Avatar: SCE (Special Collectors Edition)" is also now available on the ePod. It has about 23 extra minutes of footage compared to the regular theatrical version and is about 3 hrs long so make LOTS of popcorn.

Latest News from TWO Week's ago

I am creating a new website called http://www.3darchive.ca as sort of a storage/display area for all things 3D (VRML) that members of the various blaxxun sites may have made over the years. It'll be setup kinda like 3dpNet, like a community/social network. Creators will have their own Gallery and have access to special tools/downloads. It’s still under construction and I'll let everyone know when it's ready. Until then get your 3D items out of the closet and ready to upload!"

Old News

by Founder deighv
Expected date for 3DP's return is still around the first week of October. Quite a few new members for 3dpNet since 3DP has been down.

The ePod has been around in one form or another since the 2nd year 3DP was open. Currently it displays links for the eRadio and eCinema. We have 9 movies on the eCinema right now, all current releases are converted to a format that everyone with broadband should be able to stream full-screen with minimal loss of detail.

New movies are added when available. Once you open either the Radio or Cinema from the ePod you can bookmark their URL so you can open them directly anytime, anywhere.

I will be adding more 3D Worlds to the 3D Chat Menu soon. If you, or somebody you know, has a VRML World that you would like displayed WITH chat in 3dpNet then please contact me at deighv@3dpnet.ca

Did you know that you can get your very own 3dpNet email address? Link is at the top of the main MENU. (example) YourNickname@3dpnet.ca will open your new 3dpnet email account at Outlook.com. Cool huh?

Another Party is coming

by Founder Deighv
Our 10 year anniversary was on August 3rd ! We celebrated our anniversary in 3DP.net (http://www.3dpnet.ca/). We'll hold Another party when 3DP is up and running again. Due to the length of our downtime everyone will get a substantial PC and EXP bonus when we're back online

Well Deserved Promotion for Cheyla

by Founder Deighv
BIG Congratulations to Cheyla, the NEW Administrator for 3dpNet

3DPlanets.com is being forwarded to 3dpnet.ca until we have the new internet connection issues resolved. 3dpNet is best used with FireFox. Sorry for the inconvenience!!!

cichlid's 3DP books

3DPlanet Stories:
1. The Games We Play by cichlid http://3dpstory.blogspot.com/

2. Bull Headed Lion by cichlid http://3dpstory.blogspot.com/p/bull-headed-lion.html

An Open Invitation

by Founder Deighv
OPEN INVITATION: To any creator who has made VRML 3D Items/Worlds for other blaxxun communities that are now closed. We invite you to have your work uploaded to 3DPlanets.com, a still thriving chat community. Our upload limits are VERY generous, 400kb for the .wrl - 250kb for the texture and a Universal Textures Library which allows you to use unlimited textures for your creation. Multiple upload Creators can even get your own Shop! All Worlds and 3D Items remain the sole property of the creator, we don't make any unreasonable demands as to their useage like Some communities did. For further information please contact info@3dplanets.com

The Sentinel Weekly Staff

jdb_educator, Managing Editor
Deighv, reporter,
Toxic, Founder
Medeusa, reporter,
Entertainment Director
Cheyla, Sentinel Photographer,
Places Director

CVN Navigation

You Can Contact Us

WAYS TO CONTACT: Leave a Facebook message for John D. Boyden or email him at jdb_educator@msn.com( jdb_educator@msn.com )
Please include any nickname (or your real name) you want to use and please state CVN as your subject! Thank you in advance.

You can also just type in your comments in our new form service "FeedBack" located in our navigation or footer.

We Are Recruiting For the Sentinel!

We need: Writers, Graphic Artists, Tech specialists, and Collaborators! Sure, it's a dream! We all have dreams. Everyone wants something and we are no different.

We are currently looking for all the free help we can get. Over the years, we have discovered a lot of talented people who never thought they could write, edit, or have the fun of producing web stories people would read. We offer free training and publishing opportunities.

We have always recruited. and always will. Unpaid jobs are ALWAYS available.

There is the possibility that you or we will come up with a project idea that will pay, and to participants in such a project would bring pay! So bring your dreams and let's chat!

See our "You Can Contact us" section for ways to get in touch. The section is located at the very top in the left column. Once you contact us, we also have Skype and a phone # for possible follow up.